Project 1: Understanding Genres
Exercise 1: Analysis
Exercise 2: Recreate
Assignment 1: Understanding Genres
Project 2: Building Analytical Skills
Glossary & Words of Wisdom
Exercise 1: Denotation and Connotation
Exercise 2: Comparative Analysis
Assignment 2: Analysis Through Making
Project 3: Shifting Boundaries
Exercise 1: Select a Broad Them
Exercise 2: Reviewing your broad themes
Exercise 3: Review and update your glossary
Exercise 4: Variety of individual work
Exercise 4: Photographic leg-work
Assignment 3
EYV Assignments
EYV Assignment 1 WriteUp
EYV Assignment 1 Photos
EYV Assignment 2 WriteUp
EYV Assignment 2 Photos
EYV Assignment 3 WriteUp
EYV Assignment 3 Photos
EYV Assignment 4 WriteUp
EYV Assignment 4
EYV Assignment 5 WriteUp
EYV Assignment 5 Photos
EYV Course Work
From that Moment onwards
From that moment onwards: The Instrument
From that moment onwards: Project 2 Visual Skills
From that moment onwards: Project 3 Surface & depth
Imaginative Spaces
Imaginative Spaces (Project 1 The Distorting Lens)
Imaginative Spaces (Project 2 Lens Work)
Traces of Time
Project 1: The frozen moment: Exercise 3.1 Freeze
Project 2: A durational space: Exercise 3.2 Trace
Project 3: ‘What matters is to look’: Research Point
The Language of Light
Project 1: ‘Layered, complex and mysterious…’: Exercise 4.1 Daylight
Project 2: The beauty of artificial light: Exercise 2 Artificial Light
Project 3: Ex nihilo: Exercise 4.3: Egg or stone
Exercise 4.4: Personal Voice
The distence Between us
Exercise 5.2: Homage
Exercise 5.3: Looking at photography
C&N Assignments
C&N Assignment 1 WriteUp
C&N Assignment 1 Photos
Assignment Two: Write Up
Assignment Two: Photos
Assignment 2 (reworked photos)
Assignment 3 Self Portraiture Write Up
Assignment 3 Self Portraiture Photos
Assignment 3 Self Portraiture Photos-Rework
Assignment 4 Essay
Assignment 5 Image,Introduction & Illustrated Evaluation
C&N Course Work
The Photograph as Document
Exercise 2: Street Photgraphy
Research Task: Challenging Boundaries
Exercise 3: Public Order
Exercise 4: Digital Manipulation
Exercise 5: Critical Analysis
Exercise 1: The Impact of Citizen Journalism
The Dad Project
Exercise 2: Newspaper Analysis
Research Task: Relay
Exercise 3: Poetry Interpretation
Putting Yourself in the Picture
Research Task: Francesca Woodman
Exercise 1: Brotherus Research and Analysis
Exercise 2: Self-Representation
Exercise 3 Childhood Memories
Exercise 4: Shafran critique
Reading Photographs
Exercise 1: Erwitt Analysis
Exercise 2:Deconstruction Task
Research: Diane Arbus in Singular Images: Essays on Remarkable Photographs
Constructed realities and the fabricated image
Exercise 1: Martin Scorsese Critique
Research Task: Gregory Crewdson
Exercise 2: Re-situated Art
Exercise 3: Constructing Photography
Part One: Origins of photographic portraiture
Exercise 1: Historic portrait
Exercise 2 Background as Context
Exercise 3: Portraiture typology
Exercise 4: Archival intervention
Part Two: Street and studio
Exercise 1: Individual spaces
Exercise 2: Covert
Exercise 3:Same model, different background
Exercise 4: Same background, different model
Part Three: Mirrors and Windows
Exercise 1: Mirrors and Windows
Exercise 2: Your Personality
Exercise 3: Reflecting
Exercise 4: The Gaze
Part Four:I mage and Text
Exercise 1: Looking at Advertisements’
Exercise 2: Reflective Day
Exercise 3: Storyboard
Exercise 4: Alternative Interpretations
Exercise 5: Image and Text
Part5: Removing the figure
Project 1: Personel Reflection
Reading Task: Something and Nothing
Research Task:things that inspired and informed my own practice
Exercise 1: Still Life
Exercise 2: Georges Perec
Exercise 3: Your Journey
I&P Assignment 1: The Non-Familiar: Photos
I&P Assignment 1: The Non-Familiar: write-up
Assignment 2: Vice versa Photos
Assignment 2: Vice versa Write-up
Assignment 3: Mirror
Assignment 3: Mirror Write Up
Assigment 4: Image & Text Write up
Assignment 4 Image and Text: Images
Assignment 5: Your Inspiration
Assignment 5: Images
Ready to Rock